Hello! I'm Kim Hyun-woo, a junior web designer. Welcome to my
portfolio, where you can explore my work.안녕하세요. 신입 웹디자이너 김현우입니다. 이 포트폴리오에서 제 작업물을 보실 수 있습니다.
About me
Kim Hyun Woo
"Hello. I'm Kim Hyun-woo, who has started taking the first step as a web designer.
I will create designs that move people's hearts and enhance user experience, and I will keep
working hard to become a web designer who does so."😊
Do Dream Computer Academy 📚
2024.04 ~ 2024.10
스마트 웹 콘텐츠 UI/UX 디자인 & 프론트엔드(React.js)
Smart Web Content UI/UX Design & Front-end (React.js) 📊